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││ B I B L Release 5.11 ││
This documentation covers both the SHAREWARE and REGISTERED versions
of the package. Where information pertains to one version in particular,
it will be noted in the text. An [R] appears in the left margin when
a registered-version-only feature is discussed.
** S H A R E W A R E V E R S I O N **
Non-registered users of this software are granted a limited license to
make an evaluation copy for trial use on a private, non-commercial basis,
for the express purpose of determining whether BIBL meets their needs.
At the end of this trial period, (30 days) you should either register
your copy or discontinue use.
A BIBL registration licenses you to use the product on a regular basis.
Registration provides you with access to the GMUtant Online BBS
((703) 323-3100) as a registered user--where you may download the latest
registered release, receive support, leave questions or requests for
enhancements. The registered version of BIBL does not contain the opening
registration reminder and has expanded capabilities.
Registering BIBL will also allow you to download special programs from
the GMUtant OnLine BBS--for example, BIBL286 is a version of BIBL using
machine code for the 80286 or 80386 processor. This allows BIBL to take
better advantage of these CPUs and creates a slightly smaller BIBL5.EXE
file. BIBL5IN supports reading ASCII files into BIBL--e.g., use
data you download (from BRS, Dialog, CD-ROMs, etc.) to build your
Registration requires a contribution of $ 25.00 to the author, as a
reimbursement for the time spent working on this program.
BIBL source code is available for a payment of $ 80.00 ($25.00 for
registration, $ 51 for source, $ 4.00 for postage and diskette by return
mail). If you have registered a previous version of BIBL, you are also
a registered user of any subsequent version. You may upgrade at any time
by sending $ 4.00 to the address below. The latest version will be sent.
Send your name, address and registration payment to:
Clyde W. Grotophorst
Route 1, Box 296
Hamilton, Virginia 22068
You may also order the registered version of BIBL from Public (software)
Library with your MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover Card by
calling 800-2424-PSL or 713-524-6394 or by FAX to 713-524-6398, or by
CompuServe to 71355,470 or by mail to PsL, P.O. Box 35705, Houston, Texas
77235-5705. These numbers are for ordering only. The cost is $ 29.00 which
includes a copy of the latest registered version to you by return 1st class
We've included sample records with BIBL for demonstration purposes. The
sample database and index are inside B5DEMO.EXE. Type B5DEMO at the DOS
prompt to extract these files. You may delete BIBL5.DAT and BIBL5.IX when
you are ready to begin entering information you want to keep. To see the
sorts of things included in the sample file, and to study how you might
use the fields in a BIBL record, activate BIBL5 then press L, the last record
in the file will display. Press [B] to move backward through the
Copy BIBL5.EXE to a sub-directory on your disk (e.g., C:\BIBL)
then type BIBL5 to activate the program. Empty versions of the
needed files (BIBL5.DAT and BIBL5.IX) will be created. If you want
to use the sample database instead of beginning with an empty
one, type B5DEMO before running BIBL. This will extract the
demonstration files (BIBL5.DAT and BIBL5.IX). When you're ready to
begin with your own data, delete BIBL5.DAT and BIBL5.IX, then
reactivate BIBL.
- menu-driven.
- easily understood user interface (bounce-bar menus or accepts first
letter of each command).
- five indexes are maintained (in a single file) for fast retrieval and
sorted extracts (author, author/title, title, subject, and descriptor).
- up to 8 words from the descriptor field are indexed individually.
- produces bibliographies in three forms (brief, annotated and
full) based on information in any field. Each bibliography is
sorted by author, then within author, by title.
- user-selected fields for output (soft return option available).
- when no match is made on an indexed search, BIBL displays where
in the index your query would have appeared (near misses).
- produces a wide variety of lists (in ASCII form) which may be
printed or edited with any word-processor that accepts ASCII
files for input.
- Global change for subject field supported. BIBL will count
number of affected records before initiating change, if desired.
- if desired, BIBL will run in a 'read-only' mode. This allows copies of
your database to be accessed by the public but protects against editing,
deleting or otherwise modifying the database.
- BIBL offers an ASCII file viewer that supports a mouse, and is
moveable, resizeable, and ZOOMable.
- BIBL reserves memory (heap) for indexes in a dynamic fashion--improving
retrieval speed.
- Index graph shows progress as indexing/reindexing occurs
- ability to print or save to disk any individual record.
- main menu screen always reports number of records in the file
and whether a file of saved records (SAVEFILE) exists.
- empty records (e.g., after deletions) are used as new records
are added.
- 2 -
Features (continued):
- Boolean OR and AND searching supported for descriptor field.
- Selected reports (list of subjects, list of titles, etc) may be
viewed onscreen and/or sent to disk.
- BIBL can produce a comma-delimited file of the database. This
allows import to dBASE or other DBMS packages.
- any ASCII file may be used for display when I (INFORMATION) is pressed
on the main menu.
- Shell to DOS (uses heap compression to free as much memory as possible).
- Install editor/viewer. Allows user to install an external
program for use as the editor/viewer under File Maintenance options.
The REGISTERED version adds these features:
- A larger percentage of free RAM is devoted to in-memory index
storage (30% of RAM remaining after BIBL is loaded). This
greatly speeds retrieval and reduces disk I/O for larger databases.
- External editor. The registered version uses advanced memory
management to swap most of BIBL out of memory (to disk or EMS if
available) during this process, allowing use of very large
programs (e.g., WordPerfect 5.1) as the editor. BIBL shrinks to
a 60K kernel in memory, all other RAM is devoted to your second
- Bibliographies (option D under EXPORT) as well as other reports
may be created in 'word-processing' form (this will put soft
returns in your file within a given citation, hard returns
between them). This makes it much easier to do subsequent
editing of your bibliography with a word processor.
- Bibliographies. Registered version supports export of records
based on ANY field in the record, not just Author, Publisher,
Subject, or Descriptor.
- BIBL will run in 43/50 line mode.
- BIBL can be configured so that BIBL5.DAT and BIBL5.IX are on
a different drive (often helpful in networked environments).
- 3 -
Copy BIBL5.EXE and BIBL5.HLP to a sub─directory. If you want to
experiment with the sample database we provide, copy B5DEMO.EXE
to this sub-directory as well. Type B5DEMO at the DOS prompt
to extract the demostration files, then type BIBL5 to activate the
program. After you have experimented with the capabilities of
BIBL using the demo database, delete BIBL5.DAT and the BIBL5.IX
file. When you next activate BIBL, it will create new empty
versions of these files.
Be sure your CONFIG.SYS file contains the following minimum
values: FILES=20, BUFFERS=20. REGISTERED USERS: If you intend to
use a large program like WordPerfect as your external editor,
you may have to increase these numbers. We have found that
FILES=30 should suffice.
BIBL (rhymes with nibble) is a simple to use online catalog for
your personal library. Written in Turbo Pascal 6.0 and using full
B-tree indexing (thanks to TurboPower's B-Tree Filer package),
the system is fast, small, and very efficient. Menu-driven, BIBL can
be used to track your book collection, article reprints, index your
vertical file, manage a small office library, and so on...
In most areas bounce-bar menus are used. To select a particular
option, move the bar via the cursor until your desired operation
is highlighted, then press RETURN. If you're a touch typist, you
might prefer pressing the initial letter of the choice you wish
to make (e.g., Press S to activate SEARCH).
Command Line Switches
If on a monochrome monitor you find you can not clearly read the
various BIBL status line displays, activate program with an '/m'
switch (for mono), e.g., BIBL /M <cr>.
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) . If you want to have others
use your BIBL database but don't want them adding, deleting, or
editing records, begin BIBL with the /p switch. This activates
OPAC mode, disabling writing to the database (BIBL5.DAT).
You may use both the mono and opac switches, or just one. To use
both you would begin BIBL with the following command line: BIBL /m /p <cr>
- 4 -
** Registered Users **
[R] BIBL will also run in 43 or 50 line mode (EGA or VGA) if you
[R] start the program with a /v switch. BIBL will automatically
[R] detect the resident hardware and make the appropriate setting.
[R] Upon exit, the 25 line mode will be restored. If you use
[R] WordPerfect 5.1 as your installed editor/viewer, and are
[R] BIBL in the 43/50 line mode, your call to WordPerfect will
[R] switch that package into 43/50 line mode as well.
The database is limited to 2 billion records although you'll
probably run out of disk space before that becomes an issue. To
begin working toward that 2 billion, press A as the main menu
is displayed.
A blank record will appear on the screen. Enter data in the
highlighted fields. If you want to skip a field, just press
RETURN when the cursor is inside that field's highlighted box.
When you are finished, either press return when the highlighted
box is in line 6 of the note field, or press ESC.
BIBL will then ask you about the disposition of this record,
via an 'OK to file' prompt.
[Y] Yes, file record. This will add the record to the database
and update the index file.
[N] No, edit Record. This returns the cursor to the first field
of the record, allowing you to continue editing the
[A] Abort. This abandons the information and returns you to the
main menu.
Five indexes are maintained in the single file BIBL5.IX
1) the first 20 characters of the author field, 25 characters of
the TITLE field, the entire SUBJECT field, each word (something with a
space before and after it) of the DESCRIPTOR field (must be more
than a single character), and a fifth index used to create temporary
sorts (by call number, author/title, etc.).
Information is stored in upper case in the index file and your
query is converted to upper case before a search begins--thus you
don't have to worry about capitalization (although the way you
enter data is the way it will display and appear in any ASCII
file created by BIBL.
- 5 -
FIELDS (Subject vs Descriptor): Most fields are obvious, but you
might not be familiar with the distinction we're making between
subject and descriptors. Put the most important term in the
subject field and other less useful but desired descriptive terms
in the DESC: field.
The DESCRIPTOR field uses a keyword index--wherein each word of
the field is indexed.
Caution: No word in the descriptor field can be longer than 20
characters (or it will be truncated to 20 characters in the
index). The indexing algorithm considers a word to be anything
between two blank spaces. If you have a compound term, include a '-'
between the words so they'll be considered a single term
(e.g., 'World-War-II' is considered 1 term while 'World War II'
is three.). Up to 8 words in any one DESC field will be indexed.
A single letter WILL NOT be indexed. Each 'word' must be longer
than one character.
CLASSIFICATION: Use the classification field for whatever you
like but we envision it storing things like 'Book',' Journal
Article', 'Review article', 'Newspaper' and so on. If you use a
numbering scheme then that information could be stored there (as
could location information).
There are two ways under the EXPORT sub-menu to produce a report
sorted on Classification number: Option [L] (4/1/2) and/or option
[M] (User-Defines).
To search, press S at the main menu, then via the light bar
select which field you wish to search (Author, Title, Subject,
Note, etc.).
Once you have selected the field you wish to search, a 'QUERY'
box will appear. Enter the text you wish to locate in this box,
at the 'Query >>' prompt.
You may search text in ANY field of a BIBL record. Matches are
made using your input as a stem; that is, if you enter SMI and
SMITH exists, you'll get a match. Another way of saying this is
'implied truncation.'
Note that while retrieval on indexed fields is very fast,
searching non-indexed fields (e.g., line 3 of the note field) is
much slower. On non-indexed fields, BIBL must read each record,
comparing your query with the contents of the field. You may
abort a non-indexed search by pressing any key to interrupt.
On indexed field searches, if BIBL can not find a match for your
query, it will display several index entries that come before and
after where your query would have fallen in the index.
- 6 -
As your database grows, this type display will help you fine-tune
your search query.
If you want to abandon searching after you have selected a
particular field to search, press RETURN instead of entering a
search statement at the 'Query >>' prompt. You will be returned
to the main menu.
Use BOOLEAN descriptor search to search for more than 1 term in
the Descriptor field. You may enter only 2 terms and they must be
connected by either AND or OR. For example: COMPUTERS and
if the terms COMPUTER HARDWARE appear together in the descriptor
field! This BOOLEAN search *DOES NOT* use the index so searching
is slow.
PRINTING? Whenever an individual record is displayed during the
search function, you may print the record by pressing 'P'.
BIBL allows complete editing of any record in the file. To edit a
record, locate the desired record via the Search function. When
the record you wish to modify is displayed, press 'E' to enter
the EDIT mode.
As you first enter EDIT mode, the author's name field will be
If you want to change that field, enter new information. If you
want to edit a different field, press RETURN until the
highlighted area is in the field you want to change. When you
have finished making changes, press ESC or press RETURN with line
4 of the note field highlighted. You will
receive an 'OK to file (y/n)?' prompt.
If you respond to the 'OK to File (y/n)?' prompt with:
Y - The record (as displayed) will be filed in the database.
The index file will be updated if your editing has changed
an indexed field.
N - Any changes made will be discarded. The original record
- 7 -
You may also enter EDIT mode via the 'List records in the
database' option from the main menu. The only difference between
editing from this menu choice instead of SEARCH is that BIBL will
display all records in the database, beginning with the first
The MAINTENANCE function offers several options:
- Global Change
- Rebuild Indexes
- Call External Editor/Call Up Any ASCII files
- Shell to DOS
- Install Editor/Viewer
- UnInstall Editor/Viewer
First, use the LIST SUBJECTS option (under EXPORT/VIEW) to see
what subjects are used in your file. Select GLOBAL CHANGE from the
Option Menu. You are allowed to make changes in the subject field
1. Enter the old text as it now appears in the BIBL records
you want to change (case is not important, but a character for
character match is required-- e.g., BaSeBaLL will match BASEBALL,
but just entering 'BASE' won't work).
2. Enter the text you would like to have replace the old subject
field's value (here case is important--as the text you enter here
will be put in your records).
3. If desired, BIBL will run through your database, counting the
number of records affected by the proposed change. We recommend
this step since if the number is very high or very low, you'll
have an idea that something might be wrong.
4. If you elect to make the change, BIBL will correct the
appropriate record(s) then rebuild the subject index.
As mentioned earlier, when BIBL is first activated it checks to
see if the database file (BIBL5.DAT) and the index file (BIBL5.IX)
exist. If so, they are used; if not, they're created.
- 8 -
We include an index rebuild function to create new indexes from
the database file on demand. You may never need this function,
but if add records through the ASCII import function; take a
power hit during data entry, or experience some other sort of
hardware (disk) failure, the indexes can become invalid or
Rebuilding indexes will correct any problems of this sort. When
rebuilding the indexes, BIBL provides a graph which shows the
status of the effort (0%-100% complete for each index). Note: the
graph appears only if the database size exceeds 10 records.
If you experience SERIOUS problems with your database, run the
utility program BIBL5RX...which rebuilds both the datafile and
the indexes.
You may view your savefile (QUERY.TXT) or any other ASCII file
from within BIBL. The viewer built into BIBL is quite powerful.
It responds to a mouse, and the following commands:
F5 Zoom the view window to fill the screen
ALT-F5 Resize the window (Press ALT-F5 then with the cursor keys
size the window until it meets your needs, then press
CTRL-F5 Move the window. Press CTRL-F5 then move the window with
the cursor arrow keys. Press RETURN when done
PgUp/PgDn Move up and down in the document a screen at the time.
CTRL PgUp/PgDn Move to the top or bottom of the document
ESC or F10 Close the window and return to BIBL.
If you have an external program linked to BIBL, that program is called
and passed the name of the file you want to view.
BIBL allows you to drop out of the program momentarily and return
to your DOS prompt. This option allows you to delete files,
use a program like LIST to view a file, check disk space, or
do other DOS-type things. BIBL provides a special prompt to remind
you to enter the word EXIT to return to the program...
When you type EXIT, BIBL will reactivate and check to see that
the operating system is still defaulting to the sub-directory
where your BIBL files (BIBL5.DAT and the indexes) are kept. If
not, BIBL will change to that drive and directory before
continuing. If BIBL is unable to change to the original
sub-directory, you will receive a message to that effect...so you
can manually issue the command (e.g., CD\BIBL <cr>) from the DOS
prompt. During testing of this procedure, the only time we could
thwart BIBL's ability to return to the original directory was
when we erased it while at the DOS prompt!
- 9 -
BIBL allows you to specify some program other than BIBL to handle
viewing of your save file or other text files. If you elect to
use this option, you should select a program that is small (like
the widely-available shareware file-viewer LIST (LIST.COM)).
Whichever program you choose, it will have to run in the amount
of memory left over after BIBL is loaded. So unless you have
the registered version, don't bother trying to use WordPerfect.
Also, the program you use must be capable of accepting a file
name as a command line argument, e.g., LIST filename <cr>
BIBL will send the name of your external program (drive, path,
program name and extension) to DOS as well as the name of the
file (drive, path, filename, and extension). This allows you to
access an external program on another drive if desired.
If you have an external program defined, BIBL changes the file
maintenance menu prompt from "CALL UP AN ASCII FILE" to "CALL
BIBL creates a simple configuration file (BIBL.CFG) when an
external viewer/editor is defined. If you want to remove the
editor/viewer altogether, just delete the BIBL.CFG file. If you
later install another package, BIBL will create the configuration
file again.
If BIBL encounters a problem (too little memory, invalid name for
the viewer/editor program, viewer/editor not found in path,
etc.), it will just ignore the request and return to the main
[R] The Registered version of BIBL goes an extra step to
[R] increase your flexibility in installing an editor/viewer. In
[R] addition to compressing the memory heap (as in the Shareware
[R] version), BIBL also swaps most of itself out to disk (or EMS
[R] if available), freeing up a great deal more system memory your
[R] editor/viewer. EMS will be automatically detected and used if
[R] available, otherwise the swap is to disk. While the program
[R] normally requires 350K or more to run, after compressing
[R] itself and swapping out, only a 55-65K kernel of BIBL remains
[R] in memory--enabling you to use a very large program (e.g.,
[R] WordPerfect) as your editor/viewer. When the external program
[R] finishes, BIBL returns!
- 10 -
While BIBL offers only limited print support, it will dump your
database to disk in an ASCII file--which you can then edit and
print using your favorite word processor.
Blank fields do not appear in the ASCII files BIBL can create
(the exception being DELIMITED format).
You may select Author, Title, Subject, Delimited or the order
records appear in the database. Note that each time you call the
dump to disk routine it overwrites any previously created file.
Here is a list of the files created via the Export function. Where
you are given the option of naming the file, you should use a *.TXT
extension when possible. This will allow you to see all available
export files under the CALL EXTERNAL EDITOR function when you accept
the default *.TXT mask.
Content Name BIBL will give ASCII file
Author AUTHLIST.TXT (sorted by author, then title)
Bibliographies User names this file. Registered version also
offers option of using SOFT RETURNS.
[Index View/Dump]
Keyword List KEYWORD.TXT
Extract Titles (Title+Author) TIBRIEF.TXT
List of Subjects (Subj+Title) SUBRIEF.TXT
List of Authors (Author+Title) AUBRIEF.TXT
1/2/4 (Author/Title/Class) ATCLIST.TXT
4/1/2 (Class/Author/Title) CATLIST.TXT
User-Defined User names this file. WP format
(soft returns) available.
Here is a sample of the ATCLIST.TXT file...note that fields will be
truncated in this and the CATLIST file:
Author Title Class
Bevilacqua, Ann F. Hypertext: Behind the Hype. article
Boswell, Thomas The Heart of the Order book
Brandt, Scott Authority Files for Microcomputer article
Bratley, Paul and Choue Processing Truncated Terms in Doc Box 3,Folder 9
Byrne, Alex and Mary Mi Improving OPAC Subject Access: Th Box 4,Folder 2
Carroll, David M. And O Bibliographic Pattern Matching Us article
- 11 -
A rudimentary bibliography generator, BIBL will create ASCII text
files (in full record, annotated, or brief form) for all records
that contain your search string. You tell BIBL what field you want
to search, and what text you are seeking. BIBL then produces an
ASCII file of all records that contain the text you entered.
[R] Registered version of BIBL will also create output using soft
[R] returns (instead of ASCII hard returns) after each line.
Annotated form will produce a listing with author, title, publisher
and the notes fields. Brief includes only the author, title, and
publisher field. Below, a sample 'annotated' reference appears:
Bratley, Paul and Choueka, Yaacov
Processing Truncated Terms in Document Retrieval Systems.
Information Processing and Management v18 n5 p257-66 1982
Presents uniform and efficient approach for processing all
truncated query terms in information retrieval which requires one
disk access to obtain from the permuted dictionary all strings
represented by truncated term. The problem of the overhead
storage required to implement the permuted dictionary is
discussed. Fifteen references.
You assign the name for the bibliography output file. If the name
is already in use, BIBL asks you to use another name.
Note that using the Word Processing [WP] format option will produce
a citation where fields follow one another on a line. A hard return
follows the PUBL field.
Bratley, Paul and Choueka, Yaacov. Processing Truncated
Terms in Document Retrieval Systems. Information Processing and
Management. v18 n5 p257-66. 1982.
'Smart' Punctuation [WP format]
[R] As BIBL creates your bibliography, it will check to see whether
[R] each field ends with punctuation. If so, the existing
[R] punctuation will be written to your output file. If not, BIBL
[R] will add periods after each field. This saves you having to
[R] use end-of-field punctuation in your BIBL database entry.
Delimited format is used when you want to move your BIBL database
to dBASE or some other database system. The next few paragraphs
point out a few things you should be aware of:
- 12 -
Note that in delimited format BIBL will change any quotation mark
that appears in the Title, Descriptor, or Note fields to a single
quote--to preserve the exported data's integrity. If any double
quotes were to appear in the exported data (that is, anywhere
other than between the fields), the the importing program might
not process the data correctly.
For example, if you have: Jones is author of the article, "This
is My Life's Work." in your note field, under delimited format,
BIBL will export: "Jones is author of the article, 'This is My
Life's Work.'"
A CR/LF appears at the end of each record. dBASE will accept this
for input if you first set up a dBASE file with the proper
structure. Use the field lengths as they appear at the end of
this documentation. With the database structure created activate
dBASE and issue the following command:
You should use these export functions periodically to check the
uniformity of your subject headings and descriptor fields. For
example, if your list shows you have 10 items under computer and
1 under computers, you should edit the COMPUTERS entry (changing
it to COMPUTER). As an aid in helping you identify the records, a
bit of the title is included with each entry.
Note that there is an entry in the list for each heading in a
record (if you have 10 records with the subject BASEBALL, you'll
get 10 entries for BASEBALL in the SUBJECTS.TXT file).
Related Topic: Send To Disk. Beyond creating large reports, during
any search you may elect to send a copy of a single record to an
ASCII file (QUERY.TXT). Each time you press 'S' a copy is appended
to this file. When you are finished with the file, delete it (via
DOS) or rename it. Then when you next send a record to disk, BIBL
will create a new copy of QUERY.TXT.
The opening menu screen for BIBL always reports on the existence
of a SAVEFILE. It may be deleted during Rebuild Indexes or via
the DOS Del command within the SHELL TO DOS function.
- 13 -
The following section covers a few uses for BIBL then focuses
particular attention on using BIBL with WordPerfect.
A. What some other users are doing with BIBL:
- maintain an online index to your personal book collection.
- track magazine articles you read and want to remember.
- in a library, BIBL can be used to provide an index of your
vertical file (for non-library types, a vertical file is usually
a filing cabinet of clippings, brochures, and the like).
- use BIBL instead of 3x5 cards for research. When you're done,
it can create a bibliography for you.
- keep track of reserve reading materials. The '/P' (OPAC)
switch is nice here, since other users can read but not modify
your database.
- Manage your office library. If you have branches, send them a
copy of BIBL5.EXE and your *.DAT and *.IX file. They can use
the SEND TO DISK option to create a list of materials they'd
like you to send to the branch.
B. Using WordPefect (5.0 or 5.1) as your external editor (or viewer
or printer).
[R] While BIBL does not possess a direct interface to WordPerfect
[R] it does work particularly well with that word processor.
[R] Follow the sequence below to install WordPerfect as your
[R] external editor.
[R] Note: the sequence is the same for any word-processor...just
[R] be sure that the program accepts a filename to edit on the
[R] command line (e.g., WP MYFILE [RETURN] on the DOS command line
[R] will start WordPerfect and load a file named MYFILE.
1. Select MAINTENANCE from the BIBL main menu (press M)
2. Press I (Install Editor/Viewer).
3. Enter the full path name to your copy of WP.EXE
(e.g., C:\WP51\WP.EXE).
[R] Now, when you select CALL UP ASCII FILE under the MAINTENANCE option,
[R] BIBL will load WordPerfect and pass along the name of the file you
[R] want to view, edit or print. When you are finished with the document,
[R] press F7 to save and then exit WordPerfect...you will be returned to
[R] BIBL. The file you worked on is stored on the drive and sub-directory
[R] where BIBL5.EXE resides.
- 14 -
C. Using WordPerfect with the SHAREWARE version of BIBL.
While WordPerfect is too large to use as an external editor, the [WP] format
option (which uses soft returns) is still very useful with WordPerfect.
The [WP] format option is available under option [M] (User-Selects) of
the EXPORT menu (and for registered users, under option [D] (Bibliographies)
as well).
D. Using BIBL's [WP] format with WordPefect.
Here is how you could create a WordPerfect-ready version of your database,
(printing author, title and publisher fields), sorted by Author, then title:
1. Press E on the BIBL main menu (EXPORT).
2. Press M (user-selects).
3. Answer 'Y' that you want to continue.
4. Enter 123 and press return (to indicate that you want fields
one (author), two (title) and three (publisher).
5. Enter 'Y' to indicate that you're satisfied with these fields.
6. Enter 1 to indicate that sort should be on author (it will actually
be on author, then title within author).
7. Enter 'E' to indicate that you want [WP] format.
8. Enter the name you want to give your output file.
If you are using the SHAREWARE version of BIBL, quit the program, copy
the file you just created to your WordPerfect sub-directory, then type
WP xxxx.xx (where xxxx.xx is your file) at the DOS prompt.
[R] If you are using the REGISTERED VERSION and have installed WordPerfect
[R] as your External Editor, once BIBL finishes making your file and returns
[R] to the main menu, press M (for Maintenance), Then press C to 'CALL
[R] External Editor, enter the name you gave the file in step 8 (or just
[R] hit return and pick from the *.TXT files displayed), then sit back as
[R] BIBL compresses itself, then loads WordPerfect (passing along the
[R] name of your file).
If you need to reset your margins, go to the top of the document and
press SHIFT-F8, then L (for Line), then M for margins.
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E. Modifying HELP display (INFORMATION on the main menu).
BIBL5 displays the file BIBL5.DOC when I is pressed on the main menu.
If you want to change the help display file, just rename ANY ascii
file to BIBL5.DOC and BIBL5 will display it...
Be sure to make a backup copy of this documentation file before
you use the name on another file!
Technical Specs:
1. Memory required. BIBL requires a minimum of 350K RAM to operate.
If you have more, then more will be available when you Shell to DOS,
and to load an external program.
[R] Additional RAM (beyond 330K) will also improve performance
[R] of the Registered Version of the program. BIBL will use
[R] 20% of available RAM after 330K for in-memory index storage.
[R] This will speed retrieval, re-indexing, etc.
2. Using dBASE (structure of record)
dBASE structure for a BIBL record (use this to set up a dBASE file which
you will then append to using BIBL's 'delimited' export function). You
may call your fields anything you like but they must be this length, and
in this order:
Fieldname Length Type
flag1 1 C
flag2 1 C
flag3 1 C
value 7 C
NOTE1 70 C
NOTE2 70 C
NOTE3 70 C
NOTE4 70 C
NOTE5 70 C
NOTE6 70 C
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PASCAL structure for a BIBL record:
bookrec = RECORD
recordstatus : longint;
author1 : string[70];
author2 : string[70];
Title1 : string[70];
title2 : STRING[70];
title3 : string[70];
publ : STRING[70];
class : STRING[40];
subject1 : string[30];
subject2 : STRING[60];
flag1 : char;
flag2 : char;
flag3 : char;
value : string[7];
note1 : STRING[70];
note2 : STRING[70];
note3 : STRING[70];
note4 : STRING[70];
note5 : STRING[70];
note6 : STRING[70];
Indexes (the following keys are maintained in BIBL5.IX):
Author - first 20 characters of the field (stored upper case)
Title - first 25 characters of the field (stored upper case)
Subject - all 30 characters of the subject1 field (stored upper case)
Descriptor - first each word of the field is extracted (a word being
a string of characters separated by a space or comma).
Up to 20 characters of each 'word' is indexed.
Up to 8 words from any one line are indexed. If you
have 9 words on the line, the ninth is ignored.
IMPORTANT: place a '-' between words you want BIBL
to treat as a single entry.
A fifth index is reserved for 'on-the-fly' reports (bibliographies,
sort on publisher or class field, etc). Data stored in this index
is compressed (to allow larger text values to be represented. The
key length is 15 characters although with data compression, 20
characters are used to build the key).
During bibliography production (Option D on Export Menu), the key value
for this fifth index is: author(14 characters)+title (6 characters)
which yields an author/title sort.
During User-Defined output (Option M on Export Menu), with a sort on
the CLASS field (field #4), the sort key is class(15 characters)+
author(5 characters), to yield a class/author sort.
If publisher field sort is selected for Option M, then 20 characters of
the publisher field are used to generate the key.
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Questions, comments, complaints, encouragement???
Clyde W. Grotophorst, Route 1, Box 296, Hamilton, VA 22068
(703) 323-2317 or call the GMUtant OnLine BBS (703) 323-3100
and leave a comment for the Sysop. The Bulletin Board is your
source for BIBL updates. Registered users may download other
BIBL utilities from the board.